Russian-Orthodox Church

The Saint Sergius of Radonezh Church is somewhat hidden in the Salinenstr.

The emperor’s visits rendered the construction of the church necessary

Along with the visits for treatment purposes of Tsar Alexander II in 1864 and 1868, more and more Russian guests came to the famous resort town. Therefore, a Russian-Orthodox church had to be built. On 18 July 1901, in honour of the coronation of Emperor Nicolas II, the church was consecrated and named after Saint Sergius of Radonezh. In Russia, Radonezh, who lived from 1319 to 1392, is honoured as a miracle worker and doctor of the Holy Trinity. His remains are in a monastery about seventy kilometres from Moscow.

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Russisch-Orthodoxe-Kirche Russisch-Orthodoxe-Kirche

Editorial tips on the Russian-Orthodox Church

You can combine a visit to the church with a walk to the Museum Upper Saline and the graduation tower.


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